Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mosquito Diaries - 2

So, I finally bought one of those electronic bat thingies that kill mosquitoes. Yes, yet another weapon in the arsenal in my war against the damned blood-suckers.
How good is the thing? First of all, it's pink. And I have to manually swat it around after hearing the familiar buzzing or seeing a familiar tiny black piece of hell. Seems inefficient at the first thought. I begin comparing it to other defensive methods like coils, aerosols and mosquito repellents, which I had forsaken long before resorting to this offensive tool. But I eventually come to terms with the fact that this actually works. The buzzing sound when a mosquito is fried, the act of it slowly descending towards the floor lifelessly, these are the things that make the cumbersome and manual action worthwhile.
I did not set cool, self-containing, effortless course of action, I took matters literally into my own hands, and I saw the result right away. And thus, I shall sleep better for the rest of the night.
Heh, maybe it's about time I did that in a broader prospect. For a objective bigger than winning my endless war with this wretched creatures. Maybe it's about time I got out of 'settling down' mood and started looking into options and got back in the game. Even if that action-plan doesn't necessarily come in a color of my liking or if it requires actual effort. Because, it seems like it might be worth it.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mosquito Diaries - 1

My room is infested with mosquitoes and having lived here for three months, I've gradually prepared myself for them. I've got a pack of coils, a can of aerosol, some random mosquito repellant and even a moshari lying around. Despite all these being within hand's reach, I keep sitting on my chair or lay tucked under my blanket, randomly throwing my hand around trying to kill the ones that are flying by my ear. Eventually, after an hour or two, I notice that my sitting around hasn't been very productive, neither are my lying around very relaxing, because of said mosquitoes. So finally I get up, and avail one of the many protective measures I myself had prepared.
And I contemplate on how I wasted so much time.
I sometimes wonder if that's exactly what I am doing with my life in general?