Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mosquito Diaries - 2

So, I finally bought one of those electronic bat thingies that kill mosquitoes. Yes, yet another weapon in the arsenal in my war against the damned blood-suckers.
How good is the thing? First of all, it's pink. And I have to manually swat it around after hearing the familiar buzzing or seeing a familiar tiny black piece of hell. Seems inefficient at the first thought. I begin comparing it to other defensive methods like coils, aerosols and mosquito repellents, which I had forsaken long before resorting to this offensive tool. But I eventually come to terms with the fact that this actually works. The buzzing sound when a mosquito is fried, the act of it slowly descending towards the floor lifelessly, these are the things that make the cumbersome and manual action worthwhile.
I did not set cool, self-containing, effortless course of action, I took matters literally into my own hands, and I saw the result right away. And thus, I shall sleep better for the rest of the night.
Heh, maybe it's about time I did that in a broader prospect. For a objective bigger than winning my endless war with this wretched creatures. Maybe it's about time I got out of 'settling down' mood and started looking into options and got back in the game. Even if that action-plan doesn't necessarily come in a color of my liking or if it requires actual effort. Because, it seems like it might be worth it.